• Camp Artistic

    During 5 days at Drak Theatre in Hradec Králové in the Czech Republic partners and young people from Junges Ensemble Stuttgart, Germany and Norsk Scenekunstbruk and Kloden theatre in Oslo Norway met local theatre makers and young people for a camp with the theme 3Place artistic. During these days we dived into performances, puppetry, workshops and parties.

  • Into the Theatre

    In our latest 3place podcast episode, Seda Witt and Ingeborg Larsen share their experiences from Into the Performance. How can play and performing arts methodologies transform theatre into a shared third space for children?

    Into the Performance! is a workshop and performance designed for children aged 10. Created by Kloden Theatre, Ingeborg Larsen, Seda Witt, and Kjell Moberg, and in collaboration with The Cultural Schoolbag Oslo, this program has been offered to several school classes in Oslo.

    Witt and Larsen introduce children to the tools and mechanisms of the theatre, fostering a co-creative audience. Through storytelling within a simple framework, and by using the children’s own dramaturgical abilities, they manage to make the theatre a safe space for creativity.

    Into the Performance! is learning by doing, a physical experience about what the performing art experience is, and what a theatre house can be for the young.

    Please note, as of August 2024, this conversation is available only in Norwegian.

  • New views and development of existing practices

    Continuous Evolution of Kitchen Table Conversations at DRAK.

    DRAK has established the Kitchen table conversations into a continuous practice. A Kitchen table conversation is a methodology developed in the previous EU-project T.E.E.N; shifting the focus to empower the youth by giving them control of the conversation. In this setting, adults and creators are positioned as spectators, allowing young voices to lead the discussion.

    Extended Preview Format: Introducing Psychotherapy

    DRAK has also enhanced the preview format by incorporating a psychotherapist into the discussions. After the preview of a theatre performance, children and youth visitors engage in discussions with a psychotherapist specializing in children and family therapy.

    This approach to conducting discussions helped participants more effectively explore the sensitive themes in the productions and opened up a new way to engage in dialogue with those involved. It was beneficial not only for the participating teachers but also for the creators and the lecturers who design the creative learning programs for the productions.

    The 3Place-Project as a “Third Place”

    The EU-project has evolved into a “third place” itself, where the impact of youth involvement is immediately felt. The youth who participated in Camp Involve have carried their experiences into their continued involvement. Through DRAK’s workshops, the youth have been encouraged to perceive and empathize with others through fiction, abstraction, and aesthetics.

    Long-term Connections and Impact Analysis

    DRAK’s Kitchen table discussions have sparked inspiring debates and profound reflections. To truly assess the impact, it’s essential to analyze how we build long-term relationships with the youth, rather than merely focusing on their initial involvement.

    Establishing Sustainable Practices Across Countries

    A shared objective among all partners has been to establish practices that will outlast the project itself. This goal is already being realized, with sustainable practices emerging in various contexts.

    Adapting Kitchen Table Conversations for Different Audiences

    In the Czech Republic and Norway, Kitchen table discussions have predominantly targeted a professional audience, but there is potential to adapt this format to engage young people as well. These discussions offer youths a platform to safely express their thoughts on art, allowing them to lead the conversation and articulate their perspectives.

    Expanding the 3Place Project Internationally

    The kitchen table format contributes to the spread of the 3Place project among professionals in Norway, the Czech Republic, and beyond. Although most of these discussions are not filmed or recorded, some are used in communications after securing approval from the youths involved.

    Fieldwork in the Czech Republic: Testing Transferability

    During fieldwork in the Czech Republic, DRAK visited Kloden Teater to explore whether their approach could be adapted to a different cultural context. This visit raised similar questions as those encountered by Czech audiences. DRAK also hosted several kitchen table discussions, with high school students attending performances at Kloden Theater in Norway. The primary goal is to equip teenage audiences with the tools and space needed for reflection on their artistic experiences, acknowledging that teenagers are just as capable art consumers as adults.