Category: 3place artistic

  • Camp Artistic

    Camp Artistic

    In the fall of 2024 we went to Camp Artistic at Drak Theatre. Here’s a little glimpse into all we did there.

  • Into the Theatre

    Into the Theatre

    In our latest 3place podcast episode, Seda Witt and Ingeborg Larsen share their experiences from Into the Performance. How can play and performing arts methodologies transform theatre into a shared third space for children?

  • New views and development of existing practices

    New views and development of existing practices

    Continuous Evolution of Kitchen Table Conversations at DRAK. DRAK has established the Kitchen table conversations into a continuous practice. A Kitchen table conversation is a methodology developed in the previous EU-project T.E.E.N; shifting the focus to empower the youth by giving them control of the conversation. In this setting, adults and creators are positioned as…

  • Third digital workshop: CREATE

    Third digital workshop: CREATE

    The 3rd Digital workshop provided mainly 3 gorgeous opportunities: In the workshop hosted by Drak Theatre (CZ) everybody had a chance to be inspired by different means and to create spontaneously. We tried automatic writing based on musical inspiration, the Dadaist method of writing poems, reinterpreted classic works of art in the form of comics…

  • Live stream

    Live stream

    If you’re not in Oslo this coming Wednesday, you can still listen to the talk at Showbox Performing Arts Festival for a Young Audience with the partners.

  • The JES-Philosophers at the Augenblick mal! Festival in Berlin 

    The JES-Philosophers at the Augenblick mal! Festival in Berlin 

    Four days, five different theatres and lots of impressions  Report: Timo (15) und Anselm (15)  Our journey to the festival started at Stuttgart Central Station, with a lot of delay … But we were in a good mood anyway! After our journey, we were able to watch our first planned play at the Augenblick mal!…