Category: Festival visit

  • Live stream

    Live stream

    If you’re not in Oslo this coming Wednesday, you can still listen to the talk at Showbox Performing Arts Festival for a Young Audience with the partners.

  • Festival visit Showbox

    Festival visit Showbox

    Each year the experience of the project will be presented at a festival hosted by one of the partners. Local participants, both professionals and young will take part in sharing their experience together with representatives from the other partners. During this dissemination aimed at a broader audience, the project will receive feedback, impulses and possible…

  • 3Place – The performing arts, the city and the young audience

    3Place – The performing arts, the city and the young audience

    During the festival visit at Scenekunstbrukets festival in Oslo; Showbox performing arts festival for a Young Audience, we have invited to an open talk around the topics of third space in the arts.

  • 3Place goes west coast

    3Place goes west coast

    This week the theatre festival in Fjaler, Norway will get a visit from 3Place.