Category: 3place physical

  • Into the Theatre

    Into the Theatre

    In our latest 3place podcast episode, Seda Witt and Ingeborg Larsen share their experiences from Into the Performance. How can play and performing arts methodologies transform theatre into a shared third space for children?

  • Fancy Friday goes 3Place

    Fancy Friday goes 3Place

    At the start of 2024, the youth-focused open space initiative “Fancy Friday” at JES Stuttgart entered a new phase with 3Place. In this handover phase Emilia Detering and Benni Bosler, two young adults, took the reins of curation and organization for the event series aimed at engaging young people. Emilia and Benni embarked on a…

  • Live stream

    Live stream

    If you’re not in Oslo this coming Wednesday, you can still listen to the talk at Showbox Performing Arts Festival for a Young Audience with the partners.

  • We got a podcast!

    We got a podcast!

    Did you know we have a podcast? We do!

  • 3Place goes west coast

    3Place goes west coast

    This week the theatre festival in Fjaler, Norway will get a visit from 3Place.

  • Internship in 3Place

    Internship in 3Place

    Before Easter three students from Kuben vocational School spent a three week internship working with 3Place at Scenekunstbruket and Kloden teater in Norway. They study information technology and media production at Kuben videregående skole and during their stay they’ve investigated the topics of third spaces: What makes you feel safe, where do you choose to…

  • Exploring Social Spaces

    Exploring Social Spaces

    At Showbox 2022, lead partner Scenekunstbrtuket’s festival, we had the first activity to launch the 3Place-project, a workshop with theatre professionals, teens and others interested in the subject.